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box of veggiesYou are what you eat. Every cell is made up of what we eat. Food is our fuel and will result in either good or poor health. This does not mean you shouldn’t enjoy your food or even the food that is not the best for you.

“I love a good burger and slice of pizza, but I don’t love it every single day,” said Dr. Jake.

Commonsense Eating

Nutrition is something that always seems daunting to our patients. We all live extremely busy lives, and who has time to cook, shop, and prep? We don’t label our nutrition as a diet, count points, or eliminate a certain food forever. We call it commonsense eating. What can be done to make an eating plan sustainable?

  • You do not need to reduce total calories to lose weight.
  • You do not need to eliminate fat to lose weight; every cell in our body needs fat to function well.
  • Food doesn’t have to taste bad to be healthy.

If you are reading this and looking for one simple take-home that we tell every person, it’s this: shop the perimeter of your grocery store. If it comes out of a box or bag, God didn’t create it, and it’s probably not for you!

Could Your Nutrition Use a Boost?

For more information about nutrition or to book an appointment, contact us today! We also invite you to consider signing up for our 8 Weeks to Wellness® program, which includes a 30-minute nutritional consult through the 8 weeks.



Nutrition Lakeville MN | (952) 431-7400